التقاط الصوت
The procedure described here is verified as of August 8, 2017, using Windows 7 and the browser:
To capture the word of the day from
Subscribe to receive:
Go back to the message from Merriam-Webster and press
Upon hearing the expression go back to "Audacity" and press
You get something similar to:
Select what interests you
Verifying it with
Press the button
Press Ctrl+Shit+E,
and save it in the folder you have designated for your recordings, or create it by pressing.
If you created the folder, press "Open"
Give it a name and select "MP3 Files"
Finish the process until you save it. Pressing "Save" and in the next window "OK"
When you exit Audacity, a window appears asking if you save the project. Press "No"
Now you can
open it with "Praat".
Audacity 2.1.3 Manual
Tu explorador no tiene la capacidad
para tocar el archivo.
Tu explorador no tiene la capacidad
para tocar el archivo.