التقاط الصوت
The procedure described here is verified on December 27, 2018, using Windows 7 and the browser:
To download Audacity click on the following figure
and in the box
write "Audacity" and press Enter. Click on the word "Audacity" in,
Press the button
Select the place where you will save the installation file
Once the download is complete, select the caret in the lower left.
and in the menu that appears on the right, select "Open"
In the window:
press "Run"
And in the next window answer affirmatively.
Select the language to use during installation, press "OK".
Press "Next" in the window
Again "Next" in
Also "Next"
And again "Next"
And now "Install":
Again "Next"
And then "Finish"
The program opens:
The main idea here is that by counting on you, a product of evolution, and powerful tools such as Audacity and Praat, you can see what you do not listen to and try to reproduce it in the same way as natives of the language you have decided to learn.
Audacity 2.1.3 Manual
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