التقاط الصوت
"LAME" is only done once.
Since you decided to learn to pronounce perfectly "Hello"
In the browser go to youglish.com
Write "Hello" in the space with the legend "Search for ..." including the quotes:
Start Audacity.
make sure these buttons are with these legends, you can change them by pressing them.
Familiarize yourself with the buttons
and in particular with "Record"
"Stop", since we are going to press the "Record" button and then we will go to the browser to press there the button
and once the expression we want to record has passed we will come back to press "Stop"
Once you have heard the expression you want, stop playback in Youglish, with
or closing the browser, to allow you to work with the audio in Audacity.
Go back to Audacity and press
Now press
to listen to what was recorded.
Click and hold the left mouse button on the representation of the recorded, to select the part that includes what you want to study
From the group of buttons
Press the button
, with what you will get
Press Ctrl + Shift + E on the keyboard
We will save it as mp3 type
Open the "Save as type:" box
and press the "Save" button
For this first time, to create the MP3 file, we will need to download the file lame_enc.dll, for which we press the "Download" button in
Which brings us to a page
where we will click on the link: "Windows: See the LAME installation section"
What it opens, where we will click with the left button on "1.Go to the external LAME download page",
that will open a page where we will click on: "RECOMMENDED Installer Package for Windows: Lame_v3.99.3_for_Windows.exe"
, then selecting "Run" in:
In the "User Control" screen, we answer affirmatively.
With what the "LAME Setup Wizard" starts
and press "Next"
Again "Next" in
"Next" in
"Install" in
"Finish" in
We return to Audacity and after canceling the previous operation we press Ctrl + Shit + E, where you should consider choosing
or create a folder to save your recordings, give it a name
press "Save"
And finally "OK" in:
When you finish with Audacity and close it asks:
press "No".
The main idea here is that by counting on you, a product of evolution, and powerful tools such as Audacity and Praat, you can see what you do not listen to and try to reproduce it in the same way as natives of the language you have decided to learn.
Audacity 2.1.3 Manual
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