Dialect Survey
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9. crayon
a. [ ] as in "man" (1 syllable, "cran") (14.13%)
b. [ej ] (2 syllables, "cray-ahn") (48.64%)
c. [ej ] (2 syllables, "cray-awn", where the second syllable rhymes with "dawn") (34.53%)
d. [aw] (I pronounce this the same as "crown") (1.46%)
e. other (1.24%)
(11514 respondents)
All Results
Choice a: [ ] as in "man" (1 syllable, "cran")
Choice b: [ej ] (2 syllables, "cray-ahn")
Choice c: [ej ] (2 syllables, "cray-awn", where the second syllable rhymes with "dawn")
Choice d: [aw] (I pronounce this the same as "crown")
Choice e: other