مهمة مستحيلة
Speech Accent Archive
Da di di DA di di DA
أنها تقلل حروف العلة
ممارسة الحد
Why is it a challenge?
It is true that :
The vowels of your language surely are not equal to those of English.
There are consonant sounds that you do not have.
You have no notion of the way they reduce the vowels of Function words and the non-emphasized syllables of the Content words.
You probably do not put words together to produce the expressions you want to say.
Do not intonate the way they do.
You know how to produce sounds.
You have a brain with the ability to learn.
You will not cheat yourself.
The main dictionaries already represent the sounds with symbols of the
International Phonetic Association
And here you will find the tools and knowledge to achieve your goal of learning another language.
They learn English the same way you learned your language. And they can not read when they learn it. So they learn sounds. And later, when they arrive at school they face the task of relating the sounds they know with their writing.
Speech Accent Archive
Participants from many languages read a
, which is analyzed by specialists. The proposal in this site is that before the variety of dialects that you can go through, you propose to speak the
GAE (General English American)
, which declare speech
DA di di DA di di DA
They reduce vowels.
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